Do you offer a refund ?
We have one day money-back policy. If you’re not happy with the service you can ask for a refund at any time. We will issue your refund within 14 days.
Does my subscription start to be active right after I make a payment ?
Subscription starting to be active from the moment you will receive your activation credentials in your e-mail. Example: Mike subscribed for 6 Months on February 1st at 11:55 PM and activation credentials were received February 2nd at 00:10 AM. Michael’s subscription is starting to be active from February 2nd, 00:10 AM for the next 6 months.
Can I watch live sport on IPTV ?
Yes, we offer live sports channels and coverage. You can enjoy various sports events, including football (soccer), basketball, tennis, cricket, and more…
Can I watch IPTV without an internet ?
No, IPTV requires an internet connection because it relies on streaming content over the Internet.